บริษัท ธนาแสง เม็ททอล จำกัด
Thanasang Metal Co., Ltd.

สำนักงาน: นครราชสีมา โทร 044-255145, 044-272-448 Fax: 044-259511
email: [email protected]
ชื่อเดิม : บริษัท ธนาแสงชัยสเตนเลส
Thanasangchai Stainless Co., Ltd.
Thai English Deutsch
ผัง คู่มือต่าง ๆ

For more information, please contact Khun Piya (Perry)
email: [email protected]
Contact Address click here
About The Stainless Steel Families

While the original form of stainless steel, (iron with around 12% Chromium) is still in widespread use, engineers now have a wide choice of different types (grades). In all, there are more than 100 different grades but these are usually sub-classified into distinct metallurgical “families” such as the austenitic, ferritic, martensitic and duplex families.

 The proportions of iron to chromium may be varied and other elements such as nickel, molybdenum, manganese and nitrogen may be added to widen the range of capabilities. Each particular grade of stainless steel has its own unique mechanical and physical properties and will usually be produced in accordance with an established national or international specification or standard.

Whether you are an engineer, metallurgist, designer, architect, or simply someone who wishes to know more about this remarkable material called stainless steel, this site aims to provide you with the essential information you are likely to need. In many cases we provide links to other sites where complementary documents and/or publications can be found.

 Welcome to the world of stainless steel!

บริษัท ธนาแสง เม็ททอล จำกัด 490/1 ถนนมิตรภาพ-หนองคาย ตำบลในเมือง อำเภอเมืองนครราชสีมา จังหวัดนครราชสีมา 30000
โทรศัพท์ (044) 255-145, 272-448 โทรสาร (044) 259-511